TheoryHoldings OÜ is a private limited company registered at the Tartu court in Estonia.

Registry code: 16880552
VAT: EE102743142


Postal address

Rännaku pst 12
Harju maakond, Nõmme linnaosa
10917 Tallinn

Telephone (Estonia/EEA) +372 5193 8846
Signal go to chat or look up thou.66

At TheoryHoldings, we specialize in applying engineering techniques to the analysis of price action. Inspired by the pioneering work of John Ehlers, we utilize digital filters to make sense of complex market data.

This analytical prowess extends to the management of our own assets, but we also deploy arbitrage and farming strategies to generate income independent of market direction. We now offer a bi-weekly market commentary email at a free or a paid tier.

But primarily, we offer our technical expertise to clients, providing insights into price action on select markets.

As part of our commitment to staying informed, we diligently follow news on big OTCs (Over-The-Counter markets) and other key platforms that trade markets we are interested in.

At TheoryHoldings, we understand the ever-evolving world of digital assets and employ a strategic and disciplined approach to maximize investment outcomes. With a team of seasoned experts and a comprehensive knowledge of market trends, we are committed to providing superior asset management solutions tailored to individual needs and objectives.

Transparency, integrity, and trust form the foundation of our business. We prioritize open and honest communication, allowing our shareholders to stay informed about our strategies, performance, and market insights. As a result, partnering with TheoryHoldings means gaining access to a knowledgeable, skilled, and responsive team that is committed to securing and optimizing your assets.

With TheoryHoldings, you can trust us to navigate the intricacies of the landscape of emerging assets with precision and expertise.